Sex at the age of 80 is like shooting pool with a rope

nightbird nightbird @studio-nightbird

Age 35, Male


qantm college

Australia Brisbane

Joined on 5/19/06

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1,380 / 1,600
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studio-nightbird's News

Posted by studio-nightbird - October 28th, 2008


Howdy all. After my main Computer playing up on me there have been a few delays on updating some things. But in these past few days I've been working on my laptop (one that can JUST handle Crisis). I am pleased to say that I'm almost there. I have about 2 minutes of animation to cover till the closing credits and I'm Done. I'm so close I almost have a release date.

I can't show you an update on the animations cause it will be no different than me showing you the finished work. Here is an old updated used in my previous blog. Again there is no menus or preloaders.

Watch the preview

and the OST tracks

The Return Of A Hero
Always A Hero 2
PluckingTheCat Abnormality OST
Stells Theme Abormality
Always a hero (opening theme)

I'm looking for an animator who is willing to help out with covering some basic shots. At this point I'm looking for someone to do mouths. If you think you have what it takes let me know.

-Must show me what you can do (your previous work)

-PM me :P
-Or just leave it in the comment

Visit my site to see the complete-oh-meter (shows how close I am to finishing)


Abnormality episode 1 update *Superpowers flash series^

Posted by studio-nightbird - October 4th, 2008


It is safe to say I have hit the half way point on my new flash series. After spending a day recording sound effects its coming all togeather nicly. I've had to compose a few more songs for the background and all the art/Animation is coming along GREAT. At this time I can't show you where I'm up to...but i will not leave you empty handed.

Here is what was made 1 week ago the sound has been compressed due to file upload to this site.(again no preloader or menu has been made yet)

Watch the preview

Here it is. The background song now up for you to listen ;)
PluckingTheCat Abnormality OST
Stells Theme Abormality
Always a hero (opening theme)

I have gone way past that. I'm sure picking up speed with about 10-20 seconds of animation done per day *RUFFLY*. However i've slown right down, due to a complex scene of the 3 main characters in the middle of an explosion. It gose in slow motion all the way through so its rather hard to not make it look to tweened.

I am still waiting on Chris to send in his lines, but so far i have no reply. At this rate I will be hunting for some voice actors over at VAA and VA Club to take his place.


If you visit my site there will be a what i call a 'Complete O Meter'. This will show you how close I am to finishing this animation. If you keep an eye on it it will change ever few days.

well thanks for dropping by...why not leave a comment I'll reply to it


Abnormality episode 1 update *Superpowers flash series^

Posted by studio-nightbird - September 9th, 2008


Well hello there my fellow Newgrounders. It's been a while since i posted a post so here we go.

ABNORMALITY...FINALLY I have it on its way. After making a Trailer of it then turning around and saying it'll be coming out later, well. NOW is later. I have been working around the clock to bring it to life. The reason why its taking longer than all my other flash animations. Is i've been working mad so I can buy a top notch Microphone. I plan on making pritty much 99% of this flash mine.

Sound Design:
The sound effects are about 80%ish created by me. Not only that but most of the music will also be created by me.

I plan on using a mixture of 2D and 2D-3D (3D will be FBF 2D drawings if you get my drift). I'm also going in and adding in effects such as lens Glare, Shading, Depth Of Field, blar blar bar.

Now I'm not saying its going to be the god of all flashes. I'm not saying its going to be as good as Adam Phillips (hell no), But I'm trying to make this as the best of my abilities.

Anyway enough talk. Let me show you what I've done so far (3 days into Production).
This covers the basics. When I'm doing a scene I go in. Do the animation with the characters and sometimes basic backgrounds. Then i go in after and ad in full detail. What your seeing here is step one of scene one. Alot of fixing up to do.

Click here for preview

Download the Opening Credit song (A-Portal Link)

I just myself Adobe After Effects and have been playing around with it. This is what I made in 2 Days

/* */

Posted by studio-nightbird - July 29th, 2008


Hello my fellow newgrounders. Its been a long time since I've made a post that is related to projects that will be released onto newgrounds here. One of which is MusicBot. After a great suckes with Harder, Faster, Better, Stronger. I did promise I would upload a more clearer quality for people to download onto their computers.

Conditions of download
-If you plan on uploading it to youtube or any other video sites you must keep the video as its form
-Do NOT advertise on the video eg your website, hotmail ect


My next installment will be released shortly. I don't have an exact date of release at this time. I've started working on it the other day so thats why its taking so long. Modeling the damn thing was easy. Putting the letters in the correct place is another story. Its so god damn complected. It will take me longer to organize the wording than making the entire thing. Its a puzzle.

I am also using new programs to assist in the making of this.

-Sony Vegas pro.8
-3D max 9
-Adobe Photoshop
-Adobe After effects
-Flash MX

The reason why so many programs are put into making this. Is I'm going to try and make it look as real as i possible can. Another reason why it will take so long. Is I will have some AWESOME shirts printed out prior to the release.

I would like to mention that 'yes' Optus (Australia) is the crappiest internet company ever made. I got a new internet connection and optus just fails over and over. Their BroadBand to me is CrapBand. So if you live in Australia. DON'T get Oputs. its just crap as.

Here is a preview picture of what MusicBot: Technologic Looks like. There will be alot of changes. This is just the basic polly for it.

MusicBot: Harder, Faster, Better, Stronger Returns

Posted by studio-nightbird - July 11th, 2008


Hello My fellow newgrounders. I've been away for some time haven't I. Some as in little few of you may have seen a short preview of my animated series Cobolt. Well I have now changed it into an animation to a Live Action film.

If you liked Cloverfield. Then I garantee you'll love Cobolt. What is? You say. Who knows. Well no one knows other than me and my Girl Friend. Both of us are staring in it. We plan on only making the first episode as a trial to see if it gets any hits. If it dose then we'll continue making the other 7.

I have purchased the latest copy of Adobe After Effects as well as some other awesome plug-ins for 3D Max 9.

Q & A List

Why is it like cloverfield?
Well now most people are saying its a knock off of Cloverfield. NO. The only thing close is the camera work. The entire story is no where near the same. I've designed previews to make is seem like Cloverfield.

Whats so good about it?
Nearly every shot you see give you a hint or a clue as to whats going on. This is why I will also have a HDTV version of it for people to download so they can see and hear the best quality of this show.

Can You At Least tell us what its about?
hhhmmmm...no. The release date hasn't been decided yet. We don't plan on showing the viewer everything. The viewer has to pay close attention to find out most the story them selfs. But I can say this. It has nothing to do with Cloverfield AT ALL.

Why should the view have to pay close attention?
It is in human nature to be curious. Put an incomplete bit of information in front of them and they will more likely want to know the rest.

Can you show us a preview?
Yes I sure can. The video is found on this page at the bottom. This is a teaser. Like I said before you may want to pay close attention to the video. It self gives away a lot of information.

Do though please stay tuned. I'll have loads of trailers and spoilers coming soon. The full episode will be released 1 week on newgrounds before youtube gets a copy.

/* */

Posted by studio-nightbird - June 22nd, 2008


Well now your all probs wondering where my next musicbot is. Well its alot more flashy and cooler then harder, faster, better, stronger. since the music bot LEAVES THE ROOM. I've also designed it in a more odd way to spell all the TECHNOLOGIC lyrics. The plan is that the bot moves through a factory like tunnel. and the camera follows it as it says all its words (buy it, us it, brake it, fix it ect). Not only that but I thought it would be cool to have the Portal Bot from the flash portal to be in this as well.

Since it leaves the room it will take longer since I'll need to BUILD each tunnel. I wont say any more just yet...I promise I'll have some screenshots to show off closer to release.

I'm also planning on bring back my very old story kris and eddy (made 8 years ago). I'm trying to get egoraptor to voice act in this as well. But more details on that later.



Posted by studio-nightbird - May 26th, 2008

|M|U|S|I|C| |B|O|T|
Harder, Faster

By the well known Techno band. This song is one that all SHOULD know. Here is my first 3D music video, now that i think about it. my very first FINISHED 3D video. This was a pain in the ass to compress. I mean the full video size is 800mbs and thats at standard def. I'm renering it at HDTV with a size of 1920x1080. Estemated time for that is 137 hours.

Now My friend jeremy thinks this is my greatest creation yet. I say its the baby of my greatest creation. for my next will amaze all in so many lvls. I'll be using extream graphics and life like textures and lighting. Not only that but Even i can see. my next one will be a huge success.

anyway enough chit chat. heres the link go and enjoy
oh and if I made T-Shirts of this. Now I mean really cool shirts not gay ass ones..Would you buy. let me know and I'll prob get some made when my second video is released

MusicBot: Harder, Faster release

Posted by studio-nightbird - May 10th, 2008

AFFECTIONS ACROSS TIME EXTENDED (re-written by Ricky Worley ..::ME::.)

I've decided to not mention anything about Cobolt in this Post. instead I thought it would be nice if I showed you something else

This here is now 1 year old. I was playing this in the music room at my old school. most of this song was written by me. Its from a not so popular anime called Inuyasha. But don't get me wrong. This song is one that you will enjoy.

so sit back relax and enjoy. I am proud to give you 'Me playing Affections Across Time Extended"

/* */

Posted by studio-nightbird - April 15th, 2008


My Brand new series soon to hit the internet. Written by the talanted Jeremy Humberston and created by me. I am now glad to announce that we have released the very first preview of this show. and its all we can show at this time.

Youtube link

This is such a secret series that we wont even tell you who our voice actors are. But we can tell you this. There will be 3 version of this flash. A Youtube version (the most crappiest version). Newgrounds version (with extra features and at a sound of 2.0 surround sound). And a DVD version downloadable from my site (HD with extra bits of animations with stunning 5.1 surround sound)

I assure you. This flash will reach down into your mind and pull out paranioa with fear. Spin tingling mysteries. Its the end of the world, and the human race like never before seen. and its greed with science that ends our life.

"The thing is something like this could happen" - Jeremy Humberston

Programs used

-Adobe Flash
-3D Max 9
-Sony Sound Forge 7.0
-FL Studios

|  COBOLT  | Flash Update -must see-

Posted by studio-nightbird - March 23rd, 2008

Conqer Online

Its cuz of this game here is why My Flash Productions take so long to come out. No I don't play WOW I play This...Which is yet similar yet not the same. Only difference is, is you can choose if you want to pay for it or not. And Trust me This is not like that god damn Runescape. This is much better in so many ways.

I gotta say though. If I need insperation to animate or make music I just through on conquer and play it for a bit. Than before I know it. I'm in the mood to create.

Its free to play so try it yourself
Click here to try


I'm Undergoing A big Flash Production. at this time It is top secret. If you where planning on seeing a sneek peek I could only have it up for so long. The Links have now been terminated and I can No longer send out previews.

Sorry Guys but this has to be done. Stay tuned for my next post. I'll have some small informations and a small sneek teaser to get your blood pumping on the show.

Sound Engineer/Voice Actor/Director/Animator
Ricky Worley (Me)

Jeremy Humberstone

A great Online Game & Animation update