Sex at the age of 80 is like shooting pool with a rope

nightbird nightbird @studio-nightbird

Age 35, Male


qantm college

Australia Brisbane

Joined on 5/19/06

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damn if only it was a Video Portal + updates

Posted by studio-nightbird - June 19th, 2009


Now be sure to have this [NG] at the start of your comment or I'll delete it cuz I will know if you read my reason instead of just guessing.

YES I should go to youtube. YES this is a place for art only and stuff.
What I mean by that is Videos OF animations of some kind. Now for those who have seen my work such as my latest one 'Music Is An Epic Thing'. That is a video but put in flash, Also my Video 'MusicBot: Harder, Better, Faster' again it was released on newgrounds months before youtube (I really hate youtube).

Reason for hating youtube (you can skip this part for it has nothing to do with the blog)
-Uploaded videos that I owned. account got deleted for I uploaded a video of me playing my own song THAT I WROTE and they said it was stolen. This has happened 3 times that is why I'm now upload shitty videos to youtube and the good stuff here.

Now think. Every video goes through a judging phase just like the flash Portal. So there will be good videos and no crappy random video blogs or some crap that you see on youtube (like the friggen Rick Roll)


On other news I'm currently working on 2 animations. One is called 'The Epic Decision' and the other is 'Evolution of newgrounds'. Here is some details of each one of them

'The Epic Decision'
a short animation of a guy asking a girl out. time freezes when she starts to think if she should go. Her good side says yes and her bad side says no. then they both just brake down in an Fast, Epic DBZ style superpowers fight.
As stupid as this maybe I wanted to create a superpowers fight but couldn't think of a story short enough to go with it so this is all I could do. I has some After Effects in it to give it the extra kick but is one hell of fight. I'm about %40 done

Evolution Of Newgrounds
Due to the fact people loved 'Music is an Epic Thing'. I've started another after effects video (just for newgrounds) that have some really awesome effects. The song is from the movie Hancock. This one is hard to explain but The starting will sure surprise all people the minute you hit play.
I'll have more updates on that on my next FrontPage Blog ;)
I'm about %30 done

I have no pics so instead heres a video of mine

/* */


god damn it..i shudve read "read before comment"

lol..YES YOU SHOULD OF YOU ARE A SINNER NOW...lol just kidding :P

[NG] yeah that's a pretty valid reason, maybe one day in the future NG will hopefully be blessed with a video portal and you'll be free from the chains of youtube.

chains...ha...I never saw it like that. Its given me an idea for a new banner of my NG channel/profile xD

[NG] While you may be able to make good videos, if there was a video portal i can guarentee (by looking at the community we have here) it would be full of absolute crap. There would be great stuff added too but atleast with flash everyone has to atleast put some effort into it even if your making a spam flash.

like those ones that are 12mbs and all it is is a cat and some gay ass music. though it brings them laughter it makes me want to DESTROY THEM every time. But yes that would take some effort not a lot but atleast some ;)

and thanks for the comments on my flashs/videos ;)

[NG] To be honest I don't think that converting avi to flash is really a big enough problem to make an entire portal for :(. Small inconvenience to put video to flash, huge effort to create a whole portal for animation video files. Those projects you are working on sound really great!!

You do have a point :P

and thanks hope you'll enjoy them when they come out

If there was a video portal with animation then why not just fuse it with the flash portal? They would be judged just the same :\

It would just have better quality than if it was put into flash.

not a bad Idea xD (even though you didn't put [NG] your comment proves you read it ;)

[NG] There is a bit of video here, but most of it is edited well and incorporated with animation, like Tom Fulp's videos around the Tank Awards and the Awesome Video Games series.

Unforunately, one spammer, ScaryMovieGuy (and his dozens of alts) just upload video after video of him sitting in front of his webcam, eating pizza and being a general douchebag. I'm 99% positive a video portal would devolve to this.

But if you have a video related to animation, I'm sure it could fly here. It would still get the "video belongs on Youtube" reviews, regardless, but it at least wouldn't be flagged.

[NG] hi :D

"[NG] at the start of your comment or I'll delete it cuz I will know if you read my reason instead of just guessing."

I still don't think there should be a video portal at all. If people want to post a huge-filesize video of an animation they made in AfterEffects or MAYA, all they have to do is put it back in Flash and submit it to the Flash Portal. Anything called a "video portal" just encourages live-action film too much.


I don't get it... What do you mean by videos of animation?

Anyways, I don't think newgrounds should have a video portal. This was made for flash and there are reasons why we have audio and art portals as well. Audio is for adding music to flash. And art is like flash, just around 5000 frames shorter. But what would a video portal do flash any justice?

[NG] question, what if you put in this [NG] thing and you HAVE just guessed..... there's a big whole in that

NO [NG] for you! :P but i love what you have here (music only).... also... i love girls.... they r just so damned cute! and... i love when people who are good at making music, review my not so good stuff :):) so.... wadda ya say? =D