Well its been a while since I've posted a blog and thought why not. Just to let you all know I've moved out of home. I'm renting an apartment just outside the Brisbane City (Australia). Also I went and watched Harry Potter yesterday and the movie wasn't that bad. It was a breath of fresh air and the Visual where insane. Dispite every girl making a sound when the 'New Moon' Trailer was on. The movie with a good story line just told so BADLY.
The Epic Decision
I've been working on this for the past few hours and its coming along nicely. Just to let you know its a very random super powers fight with a lazy storyline but one you'll enjoy.
Evolution Of Newgrounds
This one too is coming along nicely. Still got alot to work on but coming along nicely.
Music Bot: Technologic
hmmm...well I haven't worked on this one for quite some time. I've gotten my hands on V-Ray (a rendering plugin) and I'm planning on using it for this 3D animation
Well I've been teaching myself how to model heads in 3D max in hopes to make a 3D short with people some time soon. I'm also helping out in the VFXs for a short film called 'Project 33'
Well I haven't uploaded anything for a while so I worked on a cheap Trance song and uploaded it. Check it out
Well Thats it from me I'll see you next time
I uploaded this video and have no idea what to call it nor what tags to put in it to get alot of views. Tell me what should I call it?
/* */
question would i win anything if i didn't smile or laugh through out the entire video of the dance